+ The Logical Buttons to push, to make her Emotional Mind feel at ease enough to fuck you. If girls wont sleep with you because youre boyfriend material, this will destroy that doomed Friend-Zone forever + How to STOP BEING THE PROVIDER and be THE LOVER in her eyes (you can get her in all sorts of relationship AFTER she sleeps with you). You might be focusing on the wrong things if youre not letting her EXPERIENCE you enough, and I show you how to get her to do that in a heartbeat + What takes care of attraction when talking to women. This wont be a problem for you either when you go through this section + What Is Attraction? Its Myths and Truths (MUCH easier than you think to get attraction). Every single notion of how women think, feel and most importantly, how to make them RESPOND SEXUALLY TO YOU: Split Up Into 3 main sections: FEMALE PSYCHOLOGY Over 22 Videos of No-Fluff Break-down of EVERYTHING that encompasses Game with INFIELD FOOTAGE DEMONSTRATIONthat will help you reach that Sex-Worthiness Vibe and How To Create Those Opportunities For ANY Girl to See It, Day or Night